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Writer's pictureWendy Jones

7 Reasons Why Writing Your Own Business Case Studies is a Bad Idea

Are your case studies failing to hit the mark with your target audience? Whilst case studies are a must for most {if not all} businesses, the fact is, all case studies are not created equal.

This might be a hard pill to swallow, but stay with me…

Despite being the person who 

  • knows your business inside-out

  • lives and breathes it every day

  • is the most passionate about what you do and who you serve

There’s a great chance you are not the best person to write your business case studies.


Done right, case studies have one of the highest ROIs of all marketing materials. They’re evergreen and can be used in a whole heap of places from your website to email marketing and in-person events. Done wrong, at best they’ll have no impact, at worst they may send your prospects running to your competitors. 

In this blog, I endeavour to illustrate why hiring a professional copywriter for your case studies is an astute investment for your business.

1. If You Want a Story Told — Use a Storyteller!

Imagine for a second you’re on holiday by the sea with your young family. Strolling down the promenade, you’re attracted to a brightly painted ad board. You approach and read the words “Magical Stories Here Today!” 

You look around at all the eager faces looking up at you. You take the plunge and buy your tickets for the 2 pm show. Arriving at a small circus tent, you’re ushered in and invited to sit on embroidered rugs and floor cushions with the rest of the audience.

Everyone settles in and gets comfy. There’s lots of excited chatter and guessing about what’s going to happen next. 

Eventually, a man in a huge top hat with a purple ostrich feather sprouting from it appears with a flurry from behind the curtain stage left. “Aha, the storyteller,” you think, nodding sagely. 

The crowd holds its collective breath.

But then instead of starting a story, he points directly at you… “We’re ready for you now,” he proclaims in a booming voice as every face in the tent turns to you in expectation.

Of course, everyone can write. But how many of us would say that writing, or indeed storytelling is our main profession? If you need your house rewired, you’d call an electrician. So if you need a story told, surely it would make sense to call a storyteller…

2. A Bird’s Eye Perspective

Being the closest person to your business makes you the expert. And that’s exactly what you should be. You know how everything works so that your clients don’t have to.

You take away their pain and help them get the results that they want. But here’s the thing…

Although your happy customers love your business, there’s a great chance they won’t be anywhere near as fired up about those small details and nuts and bolts as you are.

You see, they don’t have to be. They have you to do that for them.

When we’re writing about our own businesses, we can lack that objective perspective — how can we not? We’re up to our armpits in the nitty gritty, day in, day out.

To avoid blinding your readers with science, bring in an outsider. A copywriter who’s genuinely curious about what you do and how it impacts your clients is the key to getting the balanced view every case needs. And who knows, they may highlight a USP you didn’t even realise you had!

3. Time is of the Essence

We often think about tasks in terms of whether we can take them on ourselves. Rarely do we ask ourselves the question of whether we should.

Objectivity and storytelling aside, how much is your time worth to you?

Undertaking work on something outside your area of expertise, or assigning the task to someone who already has a lot on their plate can be counterproductive. When you add up the hours you’ve spent soul-searching and second-guessing to end up with a case study you’re still unsure about, was it worth it?

Outsourcing to a collaborative copywriter enables you to claw back your precious time without losing control. And two heads are always better than one!

4. Reassuringly Professional

Think of your case study {or any of your marketing materials} as an ambassador for your business. Every time your case study lands in front of a prospect, whether as part of a marketing strategy or a standalone document, it represents you. It needs to beam credibility like a beacon in the darkest night.

You want your prospects to feel instantly reassured by the quality of the document, its writing, and its presentation. Details such as grammar, style and formatting should never interfere with or distract your readers from the main purpose of your case study — showing your readers how you can help them!

Working with a professional copywriter ensures all those details are taken care of seamlessly. 

5. Emotional to the Bones

Prospects may make {or think they make} an ultimate buying decision with their heads. But the reality is that most of us are suckers for the emotional connection. If we feel connected to a company, cause or product on an emotional level, we are far more likely to make a purchase.

This is an area in which solid copywriting skills really pay dividends. Playing with a buyer’s emotions is not for the faint-hearted. And it can only be done on the most authentic and well-intentioned level {if you’re serious about keeping that shiny reputation intact}.

Under-use persuasion in your writing and your reader could be left cold and uninspired. Over-use it, and you won’t see them for dust.

Copywriters are the kings and queens of emotional connection. Their ability to dance the fine line that entices your reader to act on their gut instinct without overstepping the mark into sleazy sales techniques is legendary.

6. An Eye on Alignment

Your brand voice is something your clients associate with you and you alone. It comforts and reassures them that they’re in the right place and they’ll get the service they expect.

Thinking that your brand is you is an easy mistake to make. And when you think of it that way, it’s logical to assume that doing the writing yourself is the best option.

But… your brand isn’t just you. It’s your business, your mission, your vision, your values, sure. But it’s more than that. Your brand is also the customers you serve, your offers, your uniqueness {remember I said you might not necessarily know what that is?}.

So having an expert gather and compile the evidence to ensure a consistent voice and tone creates cohesive messaging your clients will love!

7. You are Not Alone!

A phrase I hear from clients all the time is this, “I get stuck in my own head”.

Is this something you’ve experienced? If so, bringing in a professional with a fresh set of eyes could be the perfect answer for you.

Expert copywriters have an eye for engaging formats and unique angles and they love research! Collaborating on your copy they’ll bring a ton of ideas and heaps of value to the party. So instead of rolling ideas around in your head, why not bat them around with an expert?

Time to Recap…

Working with a copywriter on your next case study project is a wise investment because copywriters: 

  1. Are creative storytelling experts

  2. Look at your business from a whole new perspective

  3. Save you heaps of time

  4. Maintain the highest levels of credibility for your business

  5. Make strong emotional connections whilst maintaining integrity

  6. Ensure a consistent brand voice and messaging approach

  7. And take away the pain of being stuck in your own head

What’s not to love?

So, when considering your next case study project, have a chat with a professional copywriter… you won’t regret it!

“If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.” — Red Adair

Thinking of hiring a copywriter?

My advice when hiring a copywriter is simple…

  • Outline the project you have in mind and consider the outcome you’re looking for

  • Have a budget in mind

  • Search around for copywriters whose work or presence you admire

  • Ask your network for recommendations

  • Be ready to chat with your copywriter to see if your values align and determine whether you may be a good fit to work together

  • Ask questions about their processes and determine exactly what level of service you can expect

  • If you’re happy to move forward, your copywriter will generally put everything in writing you’ve agreed to before starting work. Make sure it’s all clear and you’re good to go!

Happy hunting!

Wendy Ann Jones is a voice of customer copywriter and customer experience advocate. Wendy’s passion is delivering authentic copy for coaches, guides and ethical businesses driven by a desire to help people and do good.

For further information or to enquire about working with Wendy please visit

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